A2Z Challenge: H is for Haan Main Galat
हाँ मैं गलत,
गलत मेरी बातें , गलती से ही दुनिया बनी
पूरा सही कोई नहीं, ले ले मेरी चेतावनी
(Yes, I make mistakes
I am often on the wrong track, this world is made because of many mistakes
No one is completely correct, Take my warning)
This song has two interpretations in my parenting story.
One is which, I as a parent would want to tell my children that no one really knows what to do in this life. None of us really are aware of how to navigate this life. We all make mistakes and that it is okay to do that- make mistakes. This world came to be so because of these mistakes- mine, yours and ours.
Then there is the line of thinking that my (or rather all the kids everywhere in the world) children would presume. The one that every child knows well in her heart till the time she becomes a parent- that their parents are wrong, mistaken and (maybe) foolish.
But I think we all agree that making mistakes is important and natural. Life is full of them and any life which isn't full of mistakes might be a very short-lived one or might be similar to the pot without the holes. If you have heard the story you will get the reference, else in short here it is:
A man carries two pots to fetch water everyday. One pot is intact and the other one has some holes. Finding the pot with holes sad, he asks it the reason for the long face. The pot says that it regrets not being fully useful to its owner as because of the holes it is able to deliver very little amount of water finally. The man laughs and tells this pot to look beyond its shortcomings and see the beautiful flowers blooming on the side on which it is brought home. Because of the holes it has watered the plants that have bloomed and made the path prettier.

This is one of my favourite stories that I often think about. My mistakes also hit me and make me cringe out of nowhere at least a couple of times in a day. And so I want to teach my children this very important lesson that it is okay to make mistakes and give yourself a chance to learn from them. I am not sure how the lesson integration works. It is said that experience keeps a dear school but fools learn at their own expense. Hard to say who is what, no?