To, The Enablers


कैसी हो?

हम सब यहाँ बिकुल ठीक हैं।आशा है की तुम भी सही सलामत होंगी। आज मैं ये चिट्ठी इसलिए लिख रहि हूँ की तुम्हे बता सकूं की मैं अक्सर तुम्हारे बारे मैं सोचती हूँ। सोचती हूँ अब तुम क्या करती होगी, काम पे जाती हो अब भी? कोई मना तो नहीं करता? सास बच्चे संभाल लेती है तुम्हारे पीछे से? वो तो अब बड़े भी हो गए होंगे न? स्कूल जाते होंगे?

मुझे अब कोलकाता मैं रहते हुए ६-७ साल हो गए  हैं। जब चंडीगढ़ से निकले थे तो उम्मीद न थी की इतना समय इस परायी नगरी में निकल जाएगा।

नेत्रा को याद करती हो कभी? वो इस साल १२ की हो गयी है। उसे तो तुम्हारी याद नहीं लेकिन आज भी जब वो ज़िद्द करती है की मैं उसे खाना खिला दूँ और मैं बहुत थक गयी होती हूँ, तो झट से तुम्हारी याद आ जाती है। तुम होती तो मुझे चाय का कप पकड़ा कर उसे प्यार से फुसला के ले जाती और खुद ही खिला देती। कहती, "मेरे पास आओ नेत्रा, माँ को रहने दो। आओ मैंने तुम्हारे लिए कुछ स्पेशल रखा है।" कितने सारे अंग्रेजी के नए नए शब्द सीख गयीं थी न तुम. कुछ तो तुम्हारे ख़ास बन गए थे। जैसे बॉय, गर्ल, रेफ्रीजिरेटर, टेलीविज़न और स्पेशल जिसे तुम बोलते नहीं थकती थीं ।

याद है नेत्रा के साथ तुमने स्कूल बोलने की कितनी प्रैक्टिस की थी। वह तुम्हारे मुंह से इस्कूल सुन के हंसती और तुम्हे बार बार कहती स्कूल न की इसकूऊऊऊल दीदी।

अब मैं तो काम पर नहीं जाती पर अभी भी कभी कभी जब कंप्यूटर पे ज़्यादा
देर टाइपिंग कर लूँ तो कलाई दुखने लगती है और फिरर तुम्हारी की हुई हलकी हलकी मालिश याद आती है। जानती हो जब मैं ऑफिस से आती थी और तुम बस जाने के लिए निकलने वाली ही होती थी तो कभी कभी बस झूठ ही दर्द का बहाना करके तुमसे पांच मिनट बाज़ू , कंधे और कलाई दबवा लेती थी।आज तुम्हारी मुस्कराहट याद करती हूँ तो लगता है की शायद तुम मेरा झूठ पकड़ लेती थीं पर शायद जानती थी की मुझे पम्पेर करने वाला और कौन है भला। इसीलिए चुपचाप बैग नीचे रख के बिना कुछ कहे बाज़ू, कंधे दबा के दस मिनट लेट निकल जाती. तब कभी सोचा नहीं की कहीं तुम्हारा घर वाला जो रोज़ शाम तुम्हे लेने आता था वो झगड़ा तो नहीं करता इस दस मिनट की देरी के चक्कर में। आज सोचती हूँ तो थोड़ा दुःख होता है।  और वो रोजे के ४० दिन जब किसी किसी दिन तुम्हारी हालत साफ़ दिखती थी पर तुम ज़रूर चली आती थी अगर मुझे टूर पे जाना होता था या दफ्तर में कोई और काम रहता. बस एक फ़ोन से समझ जाती थी की मेरा घर आज तुम्हारे बना नहीं चलेगा।

कभी कभी लगता है की जितनी सी भी नौकरी कर पायी, तुम्हारी वजह से कर पायी। जितना काम आज कर पाती हूँ वो भी एक तरह से तुम्हारी ही देन है। तब तुम सब कुछ नहीं संभालती तो मैं कहाँ जा पाती घर से बहार और करियर वुमन होने का आनंद ले पाती और इतना वर्क एक्सपीरियंस इकठ्ठा कर पाती। जो तुम रोज़ अपने बच्चों को छोड़ के नहीं आती तो कौन मेरी नेत्रा को सारा सारा दिन खिलाता-देखता-संभालता? तुम अगर सुबह ४ बजे उठ के, अपने घर से तैयार हो कर अगर मेरे घर ७ बजे नहीं पहुँचती तो कौन मुझे साडी बांधने मैं मदद करता।

थैंक यू तबस्सुम।


“This post is a part of ‘The Woman That I Am’ Blog Hop #TheWomanThatIAm organized by Rashi Roy and Manas Mukul #RRxMM. The Event is sponsored by Kraffitti.” 


Bahut ehsaaso se bhara patr hai dil ko chu gaya behad pyaar se likhe Apne maan ka bhar utar diya.maala ke motiyo ko puri diya
Rethink Mindful said…
Wow, I really love stories of two sisters. Being an elder sister, my heart was filled with love and joy while reading your piece. Anandika ma'am, you wrote so beautifully to your sister. I loved reading it. Lots of love and respect for you and your sister.
Deepti said…
This was such a straight from the heart tribute to our real enablers...our domestic helps..mwho become much more dearer and special than family members or extended felt so good to read it.... many congratulations!
Kudos to your grace, for this thoughtful post. We rarely pause to thank the enablers (I love this word you used) for making our lives easier. Your post made me think, and send up a thank you to the ones in my house.
So glad I read this today.

Mayuri / Sirimiri
Brinda said…
Hi I am not good at Hindi but Google Translate helped out (thank you Google!). This is such a touching tribute to the most important woman in a woman’s life her “Bhai” - “maid” - “helper.” It’s true a lot of women are able to do the things they do because of this silent support at home. How many of us depend on her when we are down, tired or out? Our minds are at rest knowing that she is at home looking after our children. The irony is that this working woman has hardly any help but is the true, unsung superwoman. Lovely reminder that will hopefully help us to treat her kindly.
Deepika Mishra said…
सच है, अगर कोई ऐसा साथी मिल जाये जो आपकी मदद करे वो भी प्यार से चाहे आपकी हेल्पर ही क्यूँ न हो। अकेले सब कुछ संभालना आसान नहीं होता और बहुत सारी ऐसी चीज़ें पीछे छूट जाती है जो हम छोड़ना नहीं चाहते। और जॉब करना तो शायद संभव ही नहीं हो पाए। आप आज भी उसे याद करते हो मुझे विश्वास है वो भी आपको और आपकी बेटी को याद करती होगी।

दीपिका मिश्रा
Thevagabond said…
Hi Anandika, this was a beautiful post. It's true life of a career woman is so difficult without helpers. You've poured out your heart. Loved reading it. Ruchi Nasa
Pr@Gun said…
बहुत खूब लिखा है, सच में तुम उसकी शुक्रगुजार हो ये जानके अच्छा लगा.
वो छोटी छोटी बाते जब वो हमारे इशारो को समझे थे और जब तुमने उसे मन से शुक्रिया कहा था वही इस खूबसूरत रिश्ते को दर्शाता है.
ये रोज के हमारे मददगार हाथो को सिर्फ इसी प्यार की तालश है |
Jyoti Jha said…
Very touching! While we applaud the women who dare to go out and live their dreams, we often forget to acknowledge the mammoth support from the extended family-like members. You have done that beautifully. Kudos!
RamandeepKaur said…
I always admire those who come out with their real feel, you are one of those. Wonderful write up. Keep writing and keep inspiring..
RamandeepKaur said…
I always admire those who come out with their real feel, you are one of those. Wonderful write up. Keep writing and keep inspiring..
Supriti said…
what a beautiful post to appreciate the hard work of our helpers.. the actual people who enable the mothers to lead their life effectively and happily.. a heartfelt post with very strong emotions..
We really sometimes forget to thank or appreciate the support of some many people we come across in life. Well written Aanandika !
Nidhi Rawal Gautam
Urvashi said…
Heartfelt and true feelings. Behind every women there is a women who supports her, encourages her and loves her. It is this support that even I am grateful for. I liked the idea of letter for Tabassum. #damurureads
bahut khoobsurat rememberance in form of an open letter, these helpers indeed are real enablers for working women
Deepika said…
So well written. It's so true that all of are dependent on our maids so much. To acknowledge their work and love is just awesome. We have so much to thank them for as you expressed in your post. Reminded of my maid who was part of the family. Kudos
Deepika Sharma
One who banters said…
Beautifully expressed and that too in Hindi ! More power to your pen.
Aanadika, I am also about to write on similar lines. So, I must admit that I'm a bit jittery now. Tumhara post bahut hi acha hai. Those who take care of our children in our absence deserve a standing ovation for the commendable work they do.

Shail Thosani said…
Such a heartfelt letter to your sister!! You dedicated your post to her shows how much she means to you.
Srivalli Rekha said…
This is such a warm letter to those women who are hardly given a thought. The house help becomes much more than just someone who works for a salary. I read the translated version what with my Hindi reading skills being quite slow. I'm sure the original is all the more beautiful!
Hello A

Wonderful to read such a heartfelt letter written to your sister.
I am an elder sister and every word you wrote I could easily relate to.
You both are lucky to have each others back in life.
Varsh said…
We often forget the big part enablers play in our lives. This post was so emotional I'm sure she remembers you just as much and will love some time again with you.
Poorvi Khare said…
Kudos to you for writing this! We always take our househelp for granted and don't even realise sometimes how easy they make our life. Beautifully written dear.
Anonymous said…
Wow it's such a Herat felt post. Often we forget these help of ours !! These people help us through out our life in every sphere. Beautifully expressed thankful note to them ! Jyoti Arora
Dr. Jyoti Arora said…
Wow it's such a Heart felt post. Often we forget these help of ours !! These people help us through out our life in every sphere. Beautifully expressed thankful note to them ! Jyoti Arora
Such a heartwarming letter, full of gratitude. I love reading letters. Nowadays we have forgotten this lovely way of expressing our thoughts.
Ritu said…
Such a heartfelt letter, Aanandika. I loved the use of the term "enablers". The helps are indeed the enablers, but rarely get the respect they deserve.
Zens2cents said…
Lovely take on the prompt. I enjoyed your heartfelt take. Keep writing
Unknown said…
So touching heartfelt letter, your writing style took me to the gone days when we used to write letters on regular basis, amazing way to pay gratitude to your house help, they really played vital role in our lives growth. Loved it.

Archana Srivastava
Manisha said…
So well penned down. We often ignore the support system which help us get there where we want to. I am glad you appreciate it from your heart.
Wow, this #bloghop does teach me to be ready for something completely new when I think there is nothing else. Your dedication was inspiring and reminds me of the unsung heroes who help us stay organized. An amazing post Aanadika :)
-- rightpurchasing
priyanka nair said…
Khat padh kar bohat acha laga, full of gratitude and love. Your blog title "Enablers" itself is thought-provoking.. Hum bhi khat likhenge behen to nahi hai par maa ko likhenge 😊
Wow! This is such a beautiful and heartfelt letter. Not everyone can acknowledge the instrumental role that someone played in our life and feel grateful for it. ❤️
sivaranjini said…
Actually these humble hearts are God gifted. Aap ki dil ki achai aap ki shabdho mae nikli hai. Padtheyhuyae man kushi sae bar gayi hey 🤗😊😊
sivaranjini said…
Actually these humble hearts are God gifted. Aap ki dil ki achai aap ki shabdho mae nikli hai. Padtheyhuyae man kushi sae bar gayi hey 🤗😊😊
Monika Suri said…
You could enjoy or achieve many things in life because of the presence of another supportive woman in your life. Beautiful write up
Good one, it's tough to run the house without helpers.
-Ujjwal Mishra Mywordsmywisdom
tyatin said…
Heartfelt post on sisterly love. Well written. - Yatindra Tawde
Arushi Seth said…
You have written such a beautiful post. When we talk of working women, we often forget the staff that works harder than us. We have the ability to drop kids for classes and day cares, but they work against all odds to give a good life to their family and also be our support system to achieve our dreams. It takes a lovely human being to acknowledge this support and you have written it so so well.
Pashmeena said…
Such a sweet and heartfelt letter..It clearly shows what a wonderful human being you are..Great to see how much you feel for your domestic help..Loved the way you write it full of love..May you have more wonderful things to write about..Best wishes,Pashmeena..
Unknown said…
It's so realistic Amu...I can relate each and every emotion attached to your writing as have gone through same phase...

God bless you. Keep writing..
Domestic help are blessings in disguise for sure. It's a beautiful post acknowledging their role in our lives.

Debi :)
sonam said…
Aanandika, I really liked your post - it's very different and heart-touching. Jeep writing!
Meera said…

And this is indeed an Ode to Tabasum

How doffi it's to leave our child with someone
And the factor called trust only helps us proceed
Thanks for this extraordinary quill...
Wish Tabasum reads this
Unknown said…
I m just in love with your letter.I don't have a biological sister but I felt the warmth of a sister's love.Lovely write up.
Unknown said…
I m just in love with your letter.I don't have a biological sister but I felt the warmth of a sister's love.Lovely write up.
Sangya Nagpal
Shipra Trivedi said…
Your post made me remember my cook aunty who used to come at my Delhi place. I had just started the office after my maternity leaves. I couldn't imagine my survival if she was not there. She used to help me as much as she could in that 1 hour. From holding my baby to packing my lunch box, from repeatedly asking me have tea to coming every morning, no matter how unwell she was. These enables at times become our family members.

My Lucknow cook aunty, I always refer as my local guardian as she is such a helpful person.And I also make sure to keep in mind that this is extra that she is giving to me other than I pay her for.
Where do you get your words from.. Such a relatable post, it took me back in my childhood when we had this househelp at our home, who helped my mom raised meand my brother when my parents met an accident and were bed ridden. I feel so grateful to her today..
Such a wonderful tribute to our most important person who are as you have rightly put across as our enablers. I have a day maid now, and it is amazing how much easier she makes my life. A different take on the prompt!
Srishti Rajeev said…
It is a post of gratitude which I believe in strongly. If not for the support of unrecognised souls who don't receive their due apart form monetary compensation, the famous wouldn't be able to reach where they are.
The help at home are the lifelines without whom many households cannot survive. You have done a commendable job in picking this as your woman's day's post!
maheshsowani said…
Loved this post. A tribute to our domestic helps who make our lives better. We all need to express our gratitude towards these unsung heroes and heroines.
Neeraja Ganesh said…
This was so so beautiful and so true! How many of us acknowledge help in such a way! It touched my heart!
Meena Chatty said…
Indeed, our support systems are in the form of our maids. This ode to her is timely and heartwarming at the same time. It is appropriate that we must acknowledge their contribution in our success. Kudos

Meena from
Vidhya Thakkar said…
This is just amazing! Our lives are incomplete without them!! a wonderful post!
A Lady Lawyer said…
This is so true. We rarely ever acknowledge the role that our household help plays in our personal empowerment. Beautifully penned tribute to some of the most important women in our lives.
Noor Anand Chawla
Rashi Roy said…
बहोत ही सुंदर पत्र लिखा है आपने। बहोत कम लोग होते है जो उन्हें भी याद करके शुक्रिया केहते है जिनके बिना यहाँ तक पोहोच पाना मुश्किल था। आशा करती हूँ की ये पत्र उन तक पोहचे और मुझे पुरा यक़ीन है की वो भी आपलोगो को याद करती होगी। Thanks for being a part of this blog hop and sharing this heartfelt letter with us :)
- Rashi
Surabhi B.Das said…
loved this tribute. well written.
Surabhi B.Das said…
Loved this tribute. well written.
Aishwarya S said…
Such a lovely letter..This makes me miss having a sister. Only sisters share the bond. Wishing you the best in life.
Ninu Nair said…
This was so beautifully written! I felt a connect with it
Abha Singh said…
Such a lovely post. Our house helpers are an important part of our life. It looks like we are helping them money-wise but in return, they are only making our lives easy and stress-free.
Manas Mukul said…
Bahut hi pyara sa dil ko chune wala patra Aanadika ji. Lag raha tha jaise kisi purani si mithi si movie ka koi drishya dekh raha hu. Ap aise hi likhte rahe aur hamare dilo ko chute rahe :) Umeed karta hu ki log iske ander chupe sar ko samjh pa rahe honge.
#RRxMM #TheWomanThatIAm

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