Keeping little people busy with some help

You must have heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a kid. Well, as a mother of two, living in a nuclear family I can very much give it the certificate of being 100 per cent correct and on point. Raising kids is so much on so many levels that nobody can single handedly do it. Be it not knowing things about children and their wants or be it about coping with your own emotions when babies, kids are the only people you seem to be seeing and speaking to all the while. As parents we need all the help we can. My elder one who is going to be 12 in just a jiffy is soon going to be appearing for her Class 6 exams. We are channeling manis (maternal grandmothers) from every corner of the world to teach her whatever they can. My mother shoulders Science and Social Studies, while my mother's younger sister is doing Maths with her over video calls on WhatsApp. And yet another one is sending her some special supplements from afar to ensure that her health does not take a backseat. ...