Lets do more than a tweet

I was yesterday informed via an e-mail that tomorrow is the world house sparrow day. I was instantly reminded about the chirp chirp- a common melody of my childhood. I was also reminded of the fact that the chirp chirp has almost gone missing from the background of our days. Besides on twitter, I haven’t even sighted the small little bird in ages. Then one incident of a few months back came to my mind. I am still trying to recollect but can’t figure out where was it that I saw the bird, but I do remember that the little bird had had a bath and was shaking off excess water. It was actually a picture perfect moment and somewhere else it would have made to nat geo or maybe animal planet. We all know that the microwave pollution from mobile phone towers has been a reason behind the disappearance of the Gauraiya but not many know that glass and concrete buildings that have been coming up in the name of modernization have taken away from the bird its habitat. World House Sparrow Day also cel...