A Decade of Motherhood: Give in
Generally age is counted according to the number of years that you
have been on this planet. But then how do you know what your age is when the role that you are accounting for is a not as old as you? The simple answer would be to say that it would be equal to the number of years you have been in the role.
So, this is one of the most important lessons that I have learnt as a decade old mum.
My daughter Netra, more commonly referred to as BhindiSood on social media, was born in 2007. Ah! your eyebrows go up. She bluffs, you think, to keep up with the theme. Dear reader but that is not the case. I might be being generous with myself when I m saying that I am a decade old mummy but I am not really bluffing. I did not (and maybe even now) know how to be a mother to a child who I was desperate to get but knew nothing about raising her for all the unaccounted years in between. But then fear not, this isn't either a self pitying sort of a post nor I intend for it to be a tear jerker. Rather this is a post about the most important lesson I have learnt as a 10 year old mum.
So here goes:

When your child says/ asks to do something, give in (as long as there is no mortal danger to themselves or anyone else). As an adult we think that the onus of teaching them the right thing is on us but no, they know better than us and I know the best now having spent a couple of years trying to teach my child THINGS. (see why it is a decade of mommyhood)!
Do not argue, do not plead and most definitely do not approach with the intent to teach the proverbial lesson like I said. Why? Because it will save you time, very often money and almost definitely, every time heartache. I do not know of a single parent who hasn't spent time after an episode of 'teaching a lesson', 'a momentary loss of control or sight of the fact that I am the adult here' hours and maybe days of being racked by guilt at hitting out or yelling at the child. Anyway even after doing all this 99 % of the time the parent would have had to give in to whatever the child was demanding.
I am no child psychologist and why children do that, I am as
clueless as the laptop I am typing on. A decade has taught me that it is easier to do that. Like I recounted above it saves time, money and most importantly ensures the mental well being of both you and your child. So give in if the child asks to eat a candy extra (ok maybe not every time) or do five minutes more of finger painting, or just read them another story if they ask for one after their time is up, cook them pancakes though you had planned for idlis (you can use the same batter duh!). I can add here that they are that little only for a wee bit of time but my vote for giving in is mostly because it helps you getting over to the next chore/ task/ job easily and without any heartburn, and God only knows how many of them have to be accomplished in a day especially by a mother.
So, dear friends and fellow parents just do it. And let me know if there are any important takeaways from the years of parenting you have put in because hey this mummy is just a decade old mummy ( and not embalmed yet!).
“This post is a part of ‘DECADE Blog Hop’ #DecadeHop organized by #RRxMM Rashi Roy and Manas Mukul. The Event is sponsored by Glo and co-sponsored by Beyond The Box, Wedding Clap, The Colaba Store and Sanity Daily in association with authors Piyusha Vir and Richa S Mukherjee”
So, this is one of the most important lessons that I have learnt as a decade old mum.
So here goes:
When your child says/ asks to do something, give in (as long as there is no mortal danger to themselves or anyone else). As an adult we think that the onus of teaching them the right thing is on us but no, they know better than us and I know the best now having spent a couple of years trying to teach my child THINGS. (see why it is a decade of mommyhood)!
Do not argue, do not plead and most definitely do not approach with the intent to teach the proverbial lesson like I said. Why? Because it will save you time, very often money and almost definitely, every time heartache. I do not know of a single parent who hasn't spent time after an episode of 'teaching a lesson', 'a momentary loss of control or sight of the fact that I am the adult here' hours and maybe days of being racked by guilt at hitting out or yelling at the child. Anyway even after doing all this 99 % of the time the parent would have had to give in to whatever the child was demanding.
I am no child psychologist and why children do that, I am as
clueless as the laptop I am typing on. A decade has taught me that it is easier to do that. Like I recounted above it saves time, money and most importantly ensures the mental well being of both you and your child. So give in if the child asks to eat a candy extra (ok maybe not every time) or do five minutes more of finger painting, or just read them another story if they ask for one after their time is up, cook them pancakes though you had planned for idlis (you can use the same batter duh!). I can add here that they are that little only for a wee bit of time but my vote for giving in is mostly because it helps you getting over to the next chore/ task/ job easily and without any heartburn, and God only knows how many of them have to be accomplished in a day especially by a mother.
So, dear friends and fellow parents just do it. And let me know if there are any important takeaways from the years of parenting you have put in because hey this mummy is just a decade old mummy ( and not embalmed yet!).
“This post is a part of ‘DECADE Blog Hop’ #DecadeHop organized by #RRxMM Rashi Roy and Manas Mukul. The Event is sponsored by Glo and co-sponsored by Beyond The Box, Wedding Clap, The Colaba Store and Sanity Daily in association with authors Piyusha Vir and Richa S Mukherjee”
Do your best and hope for the best!!!
Meena from balconysunrise.wordpress.com
When we were growing up, they believed more in 'Spare the rod (read 'Daant') and spoil the child.'
But I guess a mom always knows when to give up and when to give in...and if needed, when to give maar! ;)
Art that can never be fully learnt and congratulations on the great post.
Art that can never be fully learnt and congratulations on the great post.
You are right we need to live the moment with kids, play if they ask, read if they want, smile for no reason at all and just cherish the memory as they want it to.
Lovely post sharing your 10-year-old experience and wishes for a successful decade with your child, and I wish you a more joyous journey ahead.
I admit that my kids have taught me more than anyone else and have made me a better person not sure about parenting parameters as per kids meter but yes I have become a totally different person than what I was before being a mommy.
Lovely post, my dear!
But what I liked more was the humour element. I could have laughed out loud at reading this, 'I am as clueless as the laptop I am typing on,' but I realized how true this was for me and so the smile died down.
I don't think you're clueless at all. In fact, as it looks you're rocking the whole parenting thing. Hope the next decade is even better with more interesting dishes using the same batter!
The only constant thing for me is to keep myself sane first 😂
Good insight on parenthood too.
Short and simple post.
Still, I would remember this post while raising my 3 years old. Kudos you made it a decade :) ~ Pragnya (www.lifewithmypenguin.com)
Wish you loads of success in the coming years.
-- rightpurchasing
-- rightpurchasing
Noor Anand Chawla