Book review: Portrait of an Artist: Claude Money By Lucy Brownridge

What a beautiful beautiful book is this Portrait of an Artist: Claude Monet! Lucy Brownridge's words bring the life of this French painter alive in an unparalleled way, educating and inspiring the littlest of readers. Claude Monet was the painter whose painting gave the name "Impressionism" to a style of painting which left heroics and heroes behind and focussed more on nature. This book brings into focus Monet's life and his evolution as a painter. Accompanying Lucy Brownridge's text, illustrations by Caroline Bonne Muller give us the glimpses of Monet's life and to add further to a reader's delight, the book also showcases various works of this master artist which are, I think, a great point to start your child's (or your own) education in art. The text and illustrations also go beautifully hand in hand telling us and inspiring along with it to keep at something that we really really want to do. Monet's story and its characters- Eugene Bou...