Freedom in a tea cup

The country has celebrated its 75th independence day. How about you? This Independence Day as I made my ritualistic first cup, the air was filled with patriotism. I focused on measuring the water for making a cup of tea. I added my standard spice to it and waited for it to come to a rolling boil. Things- feeling of being deficient and insufficient- often visit me during this time. As I don't like being spoken to till I have had my first cup, they have probably begun to get bored and leave of their own accord. Some sweet ones do accompany them at times- reminders of conversations, songs- but I am learning the art of balancing. I measure the tea leaves with my fingers, letting a tactile sense guide me to the flavour. Sometime I flatter myself and think I know how much of which kind of tea needs to be added to which quantity of water for that perfect cup of refreshment. Another couple of minutes of robust boiling and I add milk. I let this whole mixture boil once more and...