Book Review: In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

Rebecca Serle's In Five Years, isn't really a book that I can put in a particular genre. I might have called it a romance because love runs all along the book as a theme but so does friendship and sisterhood so maybe, women' fiction but then well there are elements of a mystery too in the early pages. So you see my problem and also why I absolutely adored this book and you might too.
In Five Years is the story of an up and coming lawyer Dannie who has a plan in place for her life. She has a perfect apartment, job and a fiancee, and a best friend from her childhood who is more like a sibling, but then she dreams an intriguing dream. There is a man in her dream who feels real to her though she thinks she has found her one true love in her boyfriend-turned-fiancee. To her horror as her life moves absolutely according to her plan, she does bump into the man she saw in her dream, five years ago.

Serle weaves a fast narrative full of action. The book takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions as it weaves together a story of friendship, of finding and losing, of love and loving. The writing is swift and the details, where the book deals with a serious illness, aren't exhausting so the flow almost never breaks. I honestly did not want to put down the book before finishing it. I recommend it highly to anyone who is looking for a change of pace in their reading or just looking for something to bolster their attitude towards life and living.
I was advanced a copy of this book by NetGalley and many thanks to the author Rebecca Serle and the publishers at Quercus Books.