shall we work?

would you believe it, if i told you that i haver started to work again. i had thought that at least fro about four years i would not want to work. i don't really know what has brought me back. is it boredom? need of respite from the mundane routine of cooking and cleaning the house? the need to get out of doors and meet people? an attempt at value-addition?

but whatever, i am liking it as i have always. i like to work. i have deciphered that it really doesnt matter whether i sub stories or design a magazine.. well no it does matter, i dont ever want to sub again. with all due respect to the subs of the whole world, it is pathetic work. i know all work is thankless but subnbing is the most, the greatest of all the thankless jobs in the world.

so where was i? haan it doesnt really matter what i do like for example who would have thought that i would jump on to the sarkari bandwagon some day but here i am. it is not very different from what we do in other places. we work some, smile some, crib some. thats what we do here or people here have been doing. i have been hearing so many stories since the ay arrived that i am inspired (yet again!) to write a book. may be it is time that i should pick up the yes minister series.


Prerna said…
Way to go!!! Congrats on the new job!
ankita said…
yaay baby! we al knew that u cant sit idle at all...its not who u are...glad u found something that u consider worthy enuf 4 urself :)
Pankaj said…
jobs are an ingenious invention. not only they provide an income source, they also fill our lives.
Haddock said…
The yes minister series was great.

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