happiness he said was not subjective. I did not really understand and then he said,"Its like being in love. You just know when you are in love. You need not be told or reminded about it. You can just feel it. You just know it." anybody who has ever fallen in love would understand it or like me, anybody has been loved deeply can understand it. being loved is more basic need. thats the way we humans are. selfish.
i dnt knw why all the time i was with him i kept smiling from ear to ear. nitin bhaiya's aura must have something to do with it. his voice, his presence, the way he would stop in between while talking about his Guru ji as if to sample the moment once again before letting it go...everything that he spoke about, the sheer intelligence of the conversation appealed to me. i could give that basic course a shot.
all that i did not understand which no one has yet been able to explain to me is the mann and where is it situated, when does it come into action, when do you listen to it and when do you ignore it. i am still looking for answers here.
i also realised that i am still looking for my Guru,he who will provide me answers, show me the way ahead, fulfill my quest of the unanswered, unresolved doubts.