Book Review: Whiskey Rebellion by Liliana Hart (Addison Holmes #1)

Some major drinking is happening in the titles that I have read recently. I am though no drinker. Salted buttermilk is more up my alley than any other hard drinks. Getting back to the book at hand, or rather the book on the mobile device that I finished about a month ago but was too disheartened by lack of engagement on this amazing project of mine to write the review of. So Liliana Hart's Whiskey Rebellion happened at a good time to me when I was so down in the dumps that a murder mystery with M&B feels was the only thing that could have pulled me out. Well, this is the book review for you in a nut shell. This book like the ones that I am reading under #yearofthethriller project is the first in a series where Private Investigator Addison Holmes makes her first appearance. It would not be wrong to say that this is the book in which she, a History school teacher desperately in need to make money for buying an apartment gives a shot to being stripper, fails at the auditio...