Book Review: The Color Purple by Alice Walker

I have just finished reading the 1983 Pulitzer Prize winner and a National Book Award winner, The Color Purple by Alice Walker. As I write this I realise that I was two years old when the book was first published and maybe 4 when the movie based on it released. Women were even then (1982) fighting for things which they are struggling for now (2018) and they seem to be doing just that even during the time the book is set in (1900-1940s roughly) Alice Walker had been on my to-be-read list this year. A list that had made somewhere in the middle of the year about authors new and old, that I wanted to at least taste in this year. (I am mighty proud that I have accomplished quite some) The interesting thing about this book is that I have come very close to reading this book a few times really but never ever got down to even getting started. The a few months ago I downloaded it on to the Kindle. I started and though it wasn't easy to read it- both because, of the difficult subjec...