
thank you list

there are many waays to kneel and kiss the ground. i have been often told that there is so much in my life for which i should be greatful to god so i thought that today i will kneel. 1. for being born in palampur and enjoying peace, love and nature that are inherent to the surroundings of my city beautiful 2. for meeji. she is the most benevolent, caring, not-so-gentle, loving, accomplished and prettiest grandmother that ever lived on this planet 3. for my pest sister who is a shoulder i have leaned and cried on, my sounding board, and all the things that sisters are meant for 4. for all those who have taught me to read and write- teachers, parents and relatives. i would not have known the joy that comes to me while i do these things had it not for them 5.for my lovely hair- straight and black 6. for my sense of humour 7. for different people who came in my life when i needed guidance and love 8. for my well functioning body parts that have served me well for these 28

the rakhi sawant show

i am loving it. it is totally mindless. can do with flickering attention. u can close your eyes and wouldnt have missed a thing. but the romance that is oozing out of the screen and the coy girl that rakhi plays...hats off. i mean i would nt have attributed grace to ms sawant but she has been graceful. i tink that all think that she doesn't have brains of her own but she can come up with some nice snubby comments for her 'hone wale pati' log. many ppl think it is stage managed but are at the same time wondering whom will she wed. i place my bet on elesh.


i am missing having a friend near by. the need to confide, to gossip, exchange woes, talk about infatuations and crushes, have someone to tell me things will get better. suggest ways and options. show me the path. share notes on books, the music. review the films. i think all the friends that last out after times of seperation are the friends that we need imminently in our lives. tenz is the fone a friend. we haven't seen each other since past 3 years or so and we rarely call but once we do and start talking about recently read books, new people in our lives- it is difficult to end the conversation. loveleen is the soup friend. she is warm and heals. harish is my all weather friend. he listens without interrupting to all my gharelu chik chik. he has never shied from pulling me up when i have been in doldrums. he is the friend whose presence is uplifting. There is a shield friend. the one who saves you from your own self via empathising and not sympathising. he doesn

story so far

a friend says that i am degenerating because i have stopped to write.I have always known, somehow, that i have to write. it is an essential need but i did not know how it was essential until he said to me that i should not stop to write and articulate. when he said this then i realised what my writing did for me. it helped me articulate my being. it helped me understand my self. i wrote diaries and kept journals not because i needed to recird the events of my life but because it made me get in touch with myself. the thing wise people say to look inside yourself- writing did that for me. then one day i lost myself trying to love another person. it was as if i wnated to blend in to this man so that there could not be two of us but just him. sounds very romantic and all but there was no such intent. it so happened because of the person i am. i tend to love whole heartedly. i get so influenced that i begin to speak the aame language as my love interest and forget myself, my family so very

That thing about being at home

You know it when the air in the rooms has a warmth to it. The light is just a shade mellower for you soul to feel comfortable in. The music that drifts around is of the song that plays in your head and heart. The comfort is not in the depth of the mattresses or the breadth of the sofa but an embrace. The high ceiling does not bar your ambition Instead that is where you hang your dreams to be picked and worked upon the next morn. The ordinary is my routine yet I find a newness to it Every time I walk back from the world in to my home

must dos

i need to bring so many changes about myself. i keep making mental notes of tings to do and keep forgetting them. i must start my day with prayers and meditation. i must drive else i wil forget. i must wear those lenses. i must sit down with myself. i must seek help to heal and give myself a new coat of paint. i mustlearn to control my temper and tongue and facial expressions. i must plaster a smile on to my face for ever. i must not raise my voice with chunnu.

shared times

are there times when there is noithing to say? the happiest times that i can think of are the times that i have spent in the company of people but not chit chatting or in serious discussions but looking out of the window, reading my book, listening to music on the headphones....not shattering silence. in the comfort of the knowledge that when my trance breaks and i smile to share the peace within i will be met with a smile conveying the same sentiment.

worrisome worries

i worry a lot these days. about sub, chun, myself...actually everyone. i have always been sensitive but these days i hv gone two extra miles and worry like a maniac. that is to say everyday iam thinking of something to worry about the whole day. my fav topic these days is sub in hyderabad. two days back it was chun's potty but changing her multivits has done the trick. on nov 26 last week when mumbai was terrorised, i was suffering in chandigarh. i, for the first time understood, why those men are called terrorists. they had not terrorised that city but had struck terror and frightened me here, so many kilometers away. i latched all my doors, dropped curtains, locked myself in a room along with my daughter and clutched my phone. i wonder why i did not arm myself with some weapon. i think i was out of my wits. i have always wanted to write like ruskin bond, i mean the stuff that he writes about, the mundane, the daily activities but now i think that won't happen because those sw
lost and found has been the case of my days. lost a baby but found immense joy in the second one. lost my job but found i had some skills as a homemaker. was beginning to loose myself. haven't written in days, don't read very often and when i do it is magazines like good house keeping. found the fear of loosing loved ones very close to my heart, lost the fear of spending time in the kitchen cooking meals.


so I said the last time that I will tell you guys about my work. I work as a journalist. Now that is supposed to be a very interesting and adventurous job. Journalism is also a field that gives you the freedom to be creative like the work that i do. i work on two papers. one is for kids and second for teenagers. Being a journo (that is the slang for journalist and slang is very informal usage of vocabulary) is a lot of fun because i get to write and express myself as i want to. working on the kid's magazine which unfortunately will be closed now was great because i could design it any which way. there were no set rules, nthing that was to be done week after week so there was no monotony- which is lack of variety. the mag (slang for magazine) was called YO! It stood for Young Ones. Though I did not like the name much, I had not given it this name, what I liked was the name of a mag on similar lines like YO! being made by some people working for aMumbai-based newspaper DNA. It was c

Reading habits

I have been meaning to talk to you about this one thing for quite a while but the I had not been doing any raeding myself to be able to tell you how important is it to spend times with book. You guys will get busy with a lot of stuff as you grow up but I would wish that you always have a book by your side. Books can be your best friends. Also writing, so a diary or a notepad as well. Books entertain you, guide you, help you learn. They teach you without testing you. Writing helps you gather your thoughts and make sense out of them. There will be times when a lot might be happening around you and inside your head as well, so if you write all the thoughts coming to you, you will get a better picture of circumstances. Writing also helps you learn quickly and forever. Writing also helps you to regain calm and control when you might be feeling a little lost in this big world. How you write will reflect what all have you read. Writing can be so much fun. ou can write stories, poems, your wo

Hello children

I had thought that I would write to you daily and talk to about various things but i haven't been able to keep at it because of my own laziness, which means due to the lack of an effort. But I wanted you to know that even though I might not be writing stuff here, I love to talk to you. I hope you know that. Like last night I was talking to you of birthdays. Birth days are always special and we should make an attempt to make the birth0-day-person feel special and good. Last night I was thinking that as your father's birth day will be soon upon us and it would be good fun to arrange a surprise party for him with a couple of his friends and couple of mine. After I had this thought I began to think of friends. Friends are people with whom we can share good times and bad times alike. They are the people who stick to us even though they know about our bad habits or even if some of opur ualities irritate them. They are the people who keep a check on us if we are going down hill, whcih

In my children

Some of the qualities that I would want them to imbibe Common sense Ability to listen with Patience Perseverance Hard work Sense of humour Love for the outdoors, adventure Respect for traditions and heritage Appreciate art Agility Integrity Courtsey Courage Stamina Voracious readers Generous/ Giving Affectionate Forgiving