The Power of A Power Cut

This post is brought to you by the cyclone Yaas, raging outside my window, shaking up the trees as if puppets and forcing rain to dance in every direction. Did you stay in an area where power cuts weren't the norm? Have you ever shuddered at the thought of an electricity cut? Did you completely abhor the fact that when the lights went out, you had nothing and I mean absolutely nothing to do? Well, well, well, save yourself the time and quit right here because this is an ode to the glory of windy or rainy days and rainy, windy and sultry nights when there would be a power cut, rendering the whole area, the whole house in darkness. This is in praise of all the times when there would be an electricity cut in various cities I have lived. In Palampur that meant and if I am not wrong, till this day means, no electricity on Mondays from roughly 10 AM to 5 PM. It also means that if there is hard rainfall or gusts of wind breaking the speedometer, the house might turn dark at any mom...